5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel For Mac

5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel Opening Moves The main goal of any chess game is to capture the king. This has not changed in 5D chess. But in this game not only do players have to defend the king of the present, but they also have to protect the king of the future and the past. 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel General Discussions Topic Details. Date Posted: Jul 24 @ 10:34pm. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.

I’m not going to lie, '5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel' is not a string of words I thought would exist, and yet it’s now quickly become the most important sentence in existence. I like to scroll twitter as I’m a big fan of memes and it’s become my primary source for information (once checked, of course) and sometimes it allows me to find gems that I can’t help but share with you fine folk here.

If you thought Victoria 2 on the Nintendo Switch was a wild ride, you ain’t seen nothing yet - say hello to the only version of Chess you’ll ever need again (maybe), which we were delighted to discover is a thing that actually exists.

A game about actual 5D chesshttps://t.co/bJamFafO3Bpic.twitter.com/misruSVyl3

— Tim Young (@shindags) July 27, 2020

That steam review mentioned in the quote, which at the time of writing is the top review on 5D Chess' Steam Page, is quite a read. For those of you who aren't on twitter, behold:

I was playing a game against a human opponent online, and at one point they sent a queen back in time from one of the ten timelines currently in play to put five of my past kings into check at once. I sent one of my own pieces even further back to stall, and they proceeded to send one of their queens back to the start of the game to try and beat me before I even got to that point. I was able to maneuver one of my bishops in the second-most divergent timeline into position to capture the queen in the alternate present once we got back to that point and save the game (I eventually won by checkmating their king 5 turns in the past).

Did you understand any of that? Me neither, but it sounds fantastic.

Setting aside the meme for a moment, this game isn’t just about melting your brain/enabling your ascension to a higher existence - there is a real game here. Solo play is available against four different AI types, with plenty of Chess puzzles to work your way through. There’s also multiplayer available both online and split screen and according to the tweet above there are simpler modes to help you learn how to deal with the fact that Chess has time-travel now.The reactive visualization stuff seems pretty neat as well, giving you the best chance possible to track everything across all the timelines.

5DCWMTT was only released on the Steam store last week, and it’s currently enjoying a 20% discount. Considering it’s not even a tenner at full price though, this seems like a decent deal for a game of this depth. We recommend going back in time to before you even read this so that by the time you do, you’ve already bought it.


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5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel
Designed byUser:RocketRace
Appeared in2020
Memory systemCell-based
DimensionsFive-dimensional (in spirit)
Computational classTuring complete
Reference implementationRust interpreter
Major implementationsJulia interpreter
Influenced bybrainfuck
File extension(s).5dbfwmvtt

5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel is a superset of brainfuck with parallel universes and time travel. It is based on 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel.

  • 5Examples


Like brainfuck, 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel operates on an array of memory cells initialized to zero. Multiple pointers to memory, and to the program, may coexist in each timeline. The state of the tape is stored as a timeline, allowing programs to rewind time. In addition, programs may create and traverse parallel universes, which are timelines that all execute simultaneously, 'below' their parent timeline. Each timeline has its own pointer.

The following graphic demonstrates the behavior of parallel timelines. Note that this does not include time travel, as that would make the graphic impossible to read.

Once the main timeline halts (by running out of instructions to run), all other timelines are killed.

Programs consist of single-character instructions, as follows:

>Move all memory pointers in this timeline 1 cell to the right.
<Move all memory pointers in this timeline pointer 1 cell to the left.
+Increment all cells pointed to in this timeline.
-Decrement all cells pointed to in this timeline.
.Output a character for all cells pointed to in this timeline.
,Input a character and store it in all cells pointed to in this timeline.
[Move this instruction pointer to the matching ] if all cells pointed to in this timeline are 0. If this timeline has no pointers, jump forward.
]Move this instruction pointer back to the matching [ if any cells pointed to in this timeline are nonzero. If this timeline has no pointers, do not jump backward.
~Rewind the current tape back in time by 1 step.
(Spawn a parallel timeline below the current timeline, with a copy of the tape and all pointers in it. This instruction pointer jumps to the matching ). Spawn a new instruction pointer within the newly spawned timeline, beginning execution immediately after this instruction.
)If this is executed outside of the main timeline, kill this timeline and all the memory/instruction pointers currently in it. Otherwise, do nothing.
vMove all memory pointers in this timeline to the same location in the next ('lower') parallel universe. If a lower timeline does not exist, these pointers are discarded instead.
^Move all memory pointers in this timeline to the same location in the previous ('higher') parallel universe. If a higher timeline does not exist, these pointers are discarded.
@If the next ('lower') parallel universe contains a nonzero amount of memory pointers, freeze this instruction pointer for this turn. If the next parallel universe has no memory pointers, or if this is the 'lowest' timeline, do nothing and continue.


  • It is not necessary for [] and () braces to be matched with each other, as long as each opening brace matches with its own closing brace. This means that [(]) is valid syntax, and so is ([)].

5d Chess With Multiverse Time Travel For Macbook Pro

  • Yes, the language is not strictly five-dimensional.
  • The ~ instruction will only rewind the tape. That is, it will only undo the effects of +, -, or , instructions. Anything that doesn't manipulate the tape is ignored by ~.

Implementation-dependent behavior

5d Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Free

The program's cell count, wrapping behavior, cell size, and behavior upon input reaching EoF are implementation-dependent. It is recommended for programs to have at least 30,000 8-bit unsigned wrapping cells, and to return 255 (-1) on EoF.

Race conditions caused by simultaneous instructions are implementation-dependent. The recommended strategy of dealing with race conditions is to give execution priority to a) higher timelines, and then b) older memory pointers.

Computational class

Being an extension to brainfuck, the language is trivially Turing complete.



Double the amount of pointers in this timeline

Rewind time until the current cell is 0

Cat, but faster

Undefined behavior time

Two instruction pointers??

External links

5d Chess With Multiverse Time Travel For Mac Osx

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