Predynastic Egypt For Mac


  1. Predynastic Egypt Pharaoh List
  2. Egypt Predynastic Period
  3. Predynastic Egypt Art
Predynastic Egypt For Mac

View Predynastic Egypt Research Papers on for free. Predynastic Egypt is a great game for history buffs and gamers who appreciate a strong theme with complimentary mechanics. It’s also perfect for those who are looking for a lightweight, attractive, and compelling foray into the world conquering strategy genre.


The Predynastic of Upper Egypt (Southern)


Predynastic Egypt Pharaoh List

1.In the upper reaches of the Egyptian Nile south of the Fayum A, a very different tradition emerged after 5000 BC, one that earlier and more completely made the transition to a domesticated subsistence base and one that developed a social system in which hierarchy and differentiation were central qualities.As part of this southern system emerged emphasis on the symbols of rank, the long-distance networks needed to acquire them, and the craft specialization required to produce them.

Egypt Predynastic Period

2.All this contrasts with the more basic Neolithic way of life of Lower Egypt where society did not develop such internal differentiation and where hunting/gathering long remained an important part of the economy. (This latter situation was possibly due to the wider potentials for this type of activity in the Fayum and Delta regions than in the more restricted valley of the south).

3. This early separation of basic subsistence strategies accompanied cultural separation that is reflected in the archaeological record by the following features:

- Much greater elaboration of pottery, jewelry, and lithic items in the south than in the north

- Cemetery burial in south as opposed to in-settlement burial in north.

Predynastic Egypt Art

- Representational sculpture in the south, none in the north.